Investment Joint Stock Company Vietnam techniques
To meet the demand for analysis, testing, measurement and monitoring quality processes in manufacturing, processing, processing of new or improved products in the fields of industry, research, training and technology transfer
Megalab trade bridge, respectfully bring solutions, technology, machinery, equipment optimization to customers. We are one of the units always with customers, business partners on the path of integration and development in the coming time. We specialize in supply, distribution equipment, materials and scientific and technical focus areas:
Test equipment, measurement in materials (plastics, rubber, composites, leather, paper, metals, building materials …).
Service equipment in the field of education (research, training, and equipment for information technology, new materials research and technology transfer …).
Equipment check environmental monitoring.
Equipment for health
Pepper flower supplies (chemicals, glassware, basic equipment in a lab shared.
At the same time we also provide consulting services and technical-support installation, commissioning, repair, maintenance, dojo scientific and technical equipment. With a team of specialized engineers, are trained by experienced professionals at manufacturing firms, above all, passion and responsibility in our work so proud always bring satisfaction to customers from consulting, care, warranty, maintenance, training and technology transfer.
With the motto “YOUR CHALLENGES – OUR SOLUTIONS” Megalab committed to bring satisfaction to our customers.
Sincerely thank the cooperation and generous support of customers and partners in the past and wish to receive work with sustainable development in the future.